The World According to Sandi

The World According to Sandi

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My current watercolor mentor says that she estimates that out of every 12 paintings, she may have one home run. Bonnie has been painting for over 30 years, so I figure my home run average may be somewhere around 1 in 35. This is the only painting since July that I'm the least bit interested in. But in case you think this depressing, I love the game, win or loose, I love the game.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


We are in the 8th month of our kitchen remodel. After 8 months its hard to get excited about this project. After a while it just becomes the is always full of dust...but there is progress. Mark has worked very hard...I think he has finally decided to get himself a new hobby unrelated to house projects. It is beyond belief just how much money you can dump into a project like this.....But I remain thankful


This has got to be the best year for Wild Blackerries that I have seen in the last 25 years. I have already picked 22 pounds of berries and they keep on coming. Everyone will be getting Jelly for Christmas.

Monday, February 15, 2010

An amazing gift

I had such a surprise yesterday, when a former student presented me with a first addition copy of C.S.Lewis book Reflections of the Psalms. What an amazing gift!!!!! He (Uriah Bertsch) also wrote a lovely poem that accompanied this gift. I am blown away by this thoughtfulness. It is wonderful to be used by God, and then thanked for it....double blessings.
Ps 9:1 I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Birthday Celebration

Another Birthday

Mark arrived with daffodiles

Family dinner at the wharf

Lobster laughes---funny little creatures---and the bibs are fun/necessary

thoughtful gifts!!!

Much love given and recieved

Jen took me to one of my favorite spots, The Tuck Box in carmel. And I dragged her to another haunt, The Yellow brick road Thrift store.

Great birthday