The World According to Sandi

The World According to Sandi

Monday, February 15, 2010

An amazing gift

I had such a surprise yesterday, when a former student presented me with a first addition copy of C.S.Lewis book Reflections of the Psalms. What an amazing gift!!!!! He (Uriah Bertsch) also wrote a lovely poem that accompanied this gift. I am blown away by this thoughtfulness. It is wonderful to be used by God, and then thanked for it....double blessings.
Ps 9:1 I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Birthday Celebration

Another Birthday

Mark arrived with daffodiles

Family dinner at the wharf

Lobster laughes---funny little creatures---and the bibs are fun/necessary

thoughtful gifts!!!

Much love given and recieved

Jen took me to one of my favorite spots, The Tuck Box in carmel. And I dragged her to another haunt, The Yellow brick road Thrift store.

Great birthday