One reason I like the idea of blogging is that I can share the ideas that come to me 'off the top of my head'. And those of you who know me, know that I often have many thoughts. But being home and homeschooling for 20plus years...leaves me thinking-to-myself. Now I can bug the rest of you ......
today, beside cleaning up leaves from the storm, I am working on a power-point for my students art history class....
I included this painting by Fra Filippo Lippi. I saw this painting when we visited the Vatican, although I understand that it belongs to in Uffizi Gallery in Florence. I'm glad that I didn't see it there. That museum is way too small for all the "stuff" inside. But, when I saw it, I remember thinking just how beautiful it was. This guy was WAY ahead of his game. There is something about this painting that transcends time. Perhaps its the little cherubs that look almost like comic characters. It almost looks modern is someways....never really appreciated it until I saw the real thing. The tonal quality is really amazing.....
Nice painting, tonal huh??? All I have to say is YOUR picture is TOO SMALL to enjoy seeing your great smile!!!! Love the blog, I will visit daily as we hardly ever see each other:( .